Abu Zar repels greed

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Uthman gave two hundred gold coins to his servants and told them to take them to Abu Zar and say, “Uthman has sent you his salām with a request to accept these coins. You can use them for your needs.”

When the servants brought the gold coins to Abu Zar and conveyed Uthman’s message he asked, “Has Uthman given a similar amount to every Muslim?”

“‘No”, they replied

“Then am I superior to all the Muslims to be given these?”

The servants told him, Uthman has said that, “these gold coins are from his personal property and by Allah (S.w.T.) they are Halāl.”

“I do not need them because I am needless,” said Abu Zar.

“But we don’t see anything in your house, that shows you are needless?”

Abu Zar pointed towards a utensil and said, “There are two pieces of barley bread in it and hence I am needless.”( Safinatul Bihar)

 Reference :Greater Sins Volume 2