I’zraaeel and the Companion of Prophet Sulaiman (as)

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One day I’zraaeel entered the assembly of Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him). In that gathering, he persistently stared at one of the associates of Sulaiman (peace be upon him) and after a short while, departed from the gathering.

After he had left, the person asked Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him): Who was that person?

I’zraaeel, he (peace be upon him) replied.

The man remarked: He kept looking at me as if he intended to seize my soul.

Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) inquired: What do you desire now?

The man said: Order the wind to take me to India so that I may be far away from him.

Prophet Sulaiman (be upon him) commanded the wind, which took the person to India.

The next time Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) met I’zraaeel, he asked: Why were you staring at one of my associates?

He replied: I had been ordered by God to seize the soul of that person, in a short while from that time, in India! But seeing him there left me greatly astonished. However, when I went to India at the appointed5 hour, I found him there and seized his soul there.A’alam-e-Barzakh, pg. 29; Mahajjah al-Baidhaa, vol. 8, pg. 268. ) 

Reference -Anecdotes for Reflection Part 4