Nobility in Childhood

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Abdullah ibn Mubarak reports: When I was on Hajj to Mecca, I caught sight of a seven or eight year old child walking alongside a caravan of pilgrims with no provision with him. I went forward, saluted him and asked, “With whom did you cover the desert?” He said, “With the Beneficent Allah.” He looked great to me. I asked, “Where is your provision, my son?” He said, “My piety is my provision and my Lord is my goal.” He looked magnanimous. I asked, “Which lineage do you come from?” He said, “`Abd al-Muttalib.”

– “Which family?”

– “Hashim.”

– “Which branch.”

– `Ali – Fatimah.”

– O my master! Have you composed a poem?

– “Yes, I have.”

– “Recite part of your poem.”

The Imam recited a poem with the following words:

We are those sent to the pond of Kawthar. We give water to some and repel others. None can attain salvation but through our mediation. One who loves us will not suffer losses and one who makes us happy will receive happiness from us and whoever harms us will be of low birth. One who usurps our right will be punished on the Judgment Day!  

Then I lost sight of him until I came to Mecca. When I completed my Hajj rituals and returned to al-Abtah, I saw a circle of people round someone. It was the same child with whom I spoke. I asked who he was. They said that he was Zayn al-`Abidin.  Al-Manaqib: 155/4. ) 

Reference: Ahlalbayt TheCelestial Beings On The Earth