Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and the Angel of Death

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hazrat Ibrahim met an Angel and asked him who he was. He said, “I am the Angel of death.”
“Can you show me your appearance at the time of extracting the soul of a believer?” requested Ibrahim. “Turn your face away for a moment,” said the Angel.”
Ibrahim turned his face away. When he looked back, he beheld a handsome and well-dressed youth exuding a pleasant fragrance.
Then Ibrahim requested him to show his face when he takes the life of infidels.
“You cannot bear the right,” warned the Angel.
“I can,” said Ibrahim.
“All right!” said the Angel, “Turn your face away.”
When he looked back, he saw a back man in a black garment. The hair of his body were standing on their ends, the body exuded a foul smell. And fire and smoke emitted from his mouth and nostrils. Ibrahim fell down in a swoon. When he regained consciousness, the Angel of death had reverted to his original appearance.
He told the Angel of death, “If a transgressor sees this dreadful sight, it is enough for his punishment.” Reference: Hayat Al-Qulub, Vol. 1, Stories of the Prophets