Miracles of Prophet against demons and Jinns – 2

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Third miracle: Ali bin Ibrahim relates that all Jinns are offspring of Jaan, and that they belong to any of the religions. He says that the devils are all the offspring of Iblis, among all of whom there is but one believer, namely, Awham bin Heem, the son of Laqis, the son of Iblis. Awham, in the form of a gigantic man of terrible appearance, came to the Prophet, who asked him who he was. He replied, “I am Awham bin Heem bin Laqis bin Iblis.

I was a boy, several years old, when Qabeel slew Habeel, and I forbade men to abandon sin and commanded them to eat unlawful things.” “You were a bad boy,” said the Prophet, “and are now a bad old man.” He replied, O Messenger of Allah (S), I repented in the presence of Nuh, was with him in the Ark, and rebuked him for cursing his people. I was with Ibrahim when they cast him into the fire, which Allah made cool and safe to him. I was with Musa when Allah drowned Firon and delivered Bani Israel.

I was with Hud when he cursed his people, and I said to him, “Why did you curse them?” I was with Salih who cursed his people, and I reproved him for it. I have read all the sacred books, each of which announces your advent, and the prophets have sent their salutations to you, declaring you the best and dearest of them all. Instruct me then in the knowledge of what God has revealed to you.

The Holy Prophet (S) commanded Ali (a.s.) to give the desired instruction, when Awham remarked, “I will obey none but a Prophet, or a successor of a Prophet, and who is this you have assigned to teach me?”

Muhammad replied, “He is my brother and successor, my vizier and heir, Ali bin Abi Talib.” “Yes,” said Awham, “I have seen his name in the sacred books, where he is called Eliya.” Ali then instructed him in the Qur’an and rules of faith. He was present with the Imam during the night of Harir of the Battle of Siffeen.

Fourth miracle: Shaykh Mufeed, Shaykh Tabarsi and all tradition scholars have narrated that when the Holy Prophet (S) set out for the Battle of Bani Mustaliq and camped at the valley of Chuli, Jibraeel came down in the last part of the night and informed that a group of unbeliever Jinns lives in this valley and intends to harm his companions.

The Messenger of Allah (S) summoned Imam Ali (a.s.) and said: “There is a group of denier Jinns in this valley, chase them away with the power of knowledge that the Almighty Allah has specialized you with. Then he sent a hundred men to accompany him directing them to remain with Ali (a.s.) and to do what he says.

Amirul Momineen (a.s.) set out for that valley and on reaching there instructed his men to halt at a place and not to move from here until the Imam tells them and marched forward, seeking the refuge of Allah for the mischief of enemies. He recited the great names of Allah and entered the valley. As soon as he entered, a terrible storm ensued and the Imam’s men were about to fall down.

Amirul Momineen (a.s.) shouted: “I am Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), legatee and cousin of the Messenger of Allah (S); if you have any courage, you should confront me.” The Jinns assumed visible forms and they appeared to be dark and black skinned, carrying blazing flames. They crowded into valley and Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was moving forward reciting the Holy Qur’an slashing his sword to his right and left.

When they reached to them they disappeared like smoke. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) recited the Takbir and came out of the valley and then stood with his forces. When their signs disappeared, companions asked what he had seen. “We were about to die of fright and we were also worried about you.” Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “When the Jinns appeared, I challenged them in the name of Allah and they became degraded and weak.

I attacked them without any restraint. If they had stuck to their stance, I would have killed all of them. The Almighty Allah saved the Muslims from their mischief. Those who had survived the attack came to the Messenger of Allah (S) and embraced faith and prayed for security. When Amirul Momineen (a.s.) returned to the Messenger of Allah (S), His Eminence said: “Those Jinns came here before you, in whose hearts the Almighty Allah had created your fear. And they have become Muslims and I have accepted their Islam.”

Fifth miracle: It is narrated through authentic chains from Salman Farsi that one day when the Prophet was sitting in Abtah, with a number of his companions, suddenly a whirlwind was seen, and swept on till it approached the Prophet. In the midst of the whirlwind a person appeared, who said, “O Prophet of Allah, my people have sent me to secure for us refuge from the violence and oppression with which we are treated by a part of our own tribe. Send a person with me to judge between us according to the law of God.

We engage to return tomorrow morning whomsoever you may send, unless circumstances shall occur to render the fulfillment to this engagement impossible.” The Prophet inquired, “Who are you, and who are your people?” He replied, “I am Arfatah, son of Shamrakh, of the tribe of Bani Najah. We were in the habit of ascending the heavens to listen to the reports of the angels, but were prevented from making those visits when you were invested with prophethood. Part of our tribe believes in you, and part remains on their infidelity.

A dissension has consequently arisen, and since the infidels are superior to us in number and power, they have deprived us of water and pasturage, and in other ways injure us and our quadrupeds. We entreat you to send to us a person to judge us equitably.” “Unveil,” said the Prophet, “so that we may see you in your natural form.” The disclosure showed him to be a hairy person, high head, and prominent eyes, the lids of which opened laterally.

His eye-sockets were small, and his teeth like those of a beast of prey. Having taken his pledge that whoever should be sent with him should be safely returned the next day, the Prophet turned to Abu Bakr and ordered him to go with Arfatah, help him and arrange matters in his tribe. “Where are they?” asked Abu Bakr. “Underground,” was the reply. But demanded Abu Bakr, “How can I go underground, and how can I judge among them, especially when I am ignorant of their language?”

The Holy Prophet (S) then in succession ordered Umar and Uthman to go on this expedition, but they also refused on the same grounds that Abu Bakr had done. At last the Prophet called Ali and said, “O Ali, go with Arfatah, help them and give judgment among his tribe.” Amirul Momineen (a.s.) immediately rose, took his sword and set off with the Jinn. Salman added, “I also sadly went with them till they reached the centre of the valley of Safa, where Ali invoked divine reward for me and ordered me to return.

The ground opened and they descended, after which I went back, very anxious for the fate of Ali. The next day, after Morning Prayers, the Prophet and his companions went and seated themselves on Mount Safa, and conversation turned on Ali. The hypocrites made an uproar and exulted at his supposed death, and said, “Praise be to Allah! God has delivered us from Abu Turab and Muhammad boast on account of his brother is destroyed.

After Noon prayers, the Prophet reseated himself and continued his sacred instructions to the people, who now despaired of Ali’s return. Afternoon prayers were performed, and the Prophet’s concern for Ali increased, as did likewise the clamor of the hypocrites, who exulted at his supposed fate.

As the sun was setting, suddenly Mount Safa opened, and Amirul Momineen (a.s.), like another bright sun, appeared with blood dripping from his sword, and Arfatah was with him. The Prophet rose and embraced Ali, kissed him on his forehead, and asked, “Why have you taken so long and left us to the clamor of scoffers?”

He replied, “O Messenger of Allah (S), I found a great many infidel Jinns, who were the oppressors of Arfatah’s party. I offered them three conditions: To believe in Allah and your prophethood; to pay tribute; or to make peace with Arfatah and his family, and allow them an equitable share of the water and pasturage.

As they rejected all these terms, I drew my sword, pronounced the name of God, attacked them and slew eighty thousand infidels. This forced the rest to call for refuge, upon which peace was ratified by their becoming Muslims. Arfatah said: “May Allah give you and Amirul Momineen (a.s.) a good reward,” after which he took leave and returned.

Reference:Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 2