“Pluck the dates but don’t weigh or measure them.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari has said that the Holy Prophet (S) participated in twenty one holy wars and that he (Jabir) was with the Holy Prophet (S) in nineteen. In one of those battles my camel became tired and sat down. The Holy Prophet (S) was behind, making the old and weak join the caravan and seated them on his animal and he prayed for them.

Likewise he came to me and asked who was I? I replied: “I am Jabir, may my parents be sacrificed for you.” He asked what was the matter with me? I replied: My camel has become tired. He asked for a stick and I gave it to him. Hitting the animal with that stick he made the camel get up. But that animal soon sat down. Then the Holy Prophet (S) put his holy foot on the front leg of that camel and asked me to ride it.

My camel began to move faster than the camel of the Holy Prophet (S). During that night, the Holy Prophet (S) prayed for my pardon five times and then asked me how many issues my father Abdullah had left behind. I said: Seven daughters. He asked me whether he was indebted too? I replied in the affirmative. He said: When you go to Medina, request the creditors to recover their dues in easy installments. If they are not agreeable, inform me at the time of harvesting.” Thereafter the Holy Prophet (S) asked me: “Are you married?” I said: “I married a widow.” He asked: “Why did you not marry a young woman with whom you should have played and who could have played with you?” I replied: “O Messenger of Allah (S)! I did not do so for fear of disputes with my sisters.” He said: “That is all right.”

Then he asked: “How much did you pay for this camel?” I replied: “Five Awqiya gold.” He said: “I purchase it from you.” Finally, when we reached Medina, I handed the camel to him and he told His Eminence, Bilal: “Pay five Awqiya so that he can repay his father’s debts and give him three Awqiya more and also return this camel to him.” Then he asked me: “Have you settled the deals with your father’s creditors?”

I said: “Not yet.” He asked again: “Has he left enough money to repay his debts?” I replied: “No.” He said: “Don’t worry. Inform me at the time of harvest.” So at the time of harvest I informed the Holy Prophet (S) and he arrived and prayed for us and due to that blessing our trees produced so much that besides clearing our debts we had much for our consumption.

The Holy Prophet (S) asked me: “Pluck the dates but don’t weigh or measure them.” We acted accordingly and ate the dates for quite a long time. Ibn Abbas says: “Whenever any question was asked to the Holy Prophet (S) he used to reply twice so that there may not remain any doubt.”

Reference:Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 2