For the Sake of Mohammed and Ale Mohammed (as)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When Musa reached the shore, Allah revealed to him to keep up praying and “recite the names of the Holy Five i.e. Muhammad ‘Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn and pray to Me.”

Imam Al-Hasan ‘Askari has stated, “If you do so, Allah, the Great will change waterways into land and you can pass on it easily.” The people of The Israelites said to Musa, “You always advise us something and we don’t like that. We left the city in the fear of the Pharaoh and you ask us to recite the names and enter into the sea. We are afraid, if we do so, what will happen to us?” At that time Qalib bin Yukna came to Musa on the horseback. They had to cross the gulf which was far from there He asked, “O, Prophet of Allah! Has Allah ordered you to recite these auspicious name and enter?” Musa said, “Yes.” He said, “Do you agree with this and order us to say so?” Musa said, “Yes.”

He obeyed the order and started reciting the names, put faith in Allah and prayed to Allah to help him pass the gulf. He stepped into the water. The way of the sea became hard below the hooves of the horse and reached to the gulf. Again he came back running to Musa and faced The Israelites and asked them to obey Musa. He said, “This is not a prayer but these auspicious names are the key of Heaven and a lock of Hell. This is a good support to earn living and it is a good security for the followers of Allah and makes Him happy.” But the people refused to walk on the water and said they would prefer to walk on the land. Allah sent a revelation on him to cast his staff on water by taking the auspicious name of the Holy Prophet and his family and order the water to split. When Musa did so, a path appeared in water. Then Musa asked them to walk. They said there is dirt and mud on the surface of the sea, if they go in, they will stick into it. Allah revealed to him to pray to the Almighty for the sake of the Holy Prophet and his family, to dry the surface of the sea. “We will dry the surface for the sake of the auspicious names.”

Allah sent favorable wind to dry the surface. Then Musa asked his people to move. They said they were of twelve tribes. If they walk on one path, they will try to go ahead from one another. They doubt they would quarrel among themselves. They wanted to go by different paths. Allah revealed to him to cast the staff by the name of Prophet and his family and pray to him to make the land appear for them and remove their sorrow. In this way the twelve paths appeared and the morning breeze dried the surface. Musa asked them to walk. They said that their twelve groups will walk on the twelve paths, but they will be unknown for one another. Musa prayed to Allah for the sake of Holy Prophet and his family to make holes in the mountains of water so that they can see one another and talk through the holes. When they entered the sea, the Pharaoh came to the shore with his army. Seeing them walking in the sea, the Pharaoh and his army also entered. The Egyptians wanted to come out from the sea. Allah ordered the sea to flow high, so all the people sank into sea and Musa’s followers watched them drown.

Reference: Hayat Al-Qulub, Vol. 1, Stories of the Prophets