Imam Kazim (as) and the Grandson of Umar

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the grandsons of ‘Umar b. al-Khattab wronged Imam Musa, cursed his grandfather Imam ‘Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him. One of the Imam’s followers intended to kill ‘Umar’s grandson, but the Imam prevented him from doing that. He decided to solve the problem in another way. He asked some people about his place and they answered that he was planting at one of the outskirts of Medina. He, peace be on him, disguised, mounted his mule and went away. He found him on his farm and went towards him. Al-‘Umary (‘Umar’s grandson) shouted at the Imam, saying: “Do not walk on my plants!” The Imam paid no attention, for he found no other way to follow it. When he reached him, he sat beside him, treated him with kindness, said to him good words and asked him with gentleness and leniency:

– How much have you paid to sow your land?

– One hundred dinars.

– How much do you hope to acquire from it?

– I do not know the unknown.

– I only asked you about what you hope it would bring you.

– I hope that it will bring me two hundred dinars.

The Imam, peace be on him, gave him three hundred dinars and said to him: “This three hundred dinars is for you and your plants are as they are.” Al-‘Umary changed and was ashamed of himself out of what he had neglected concerning the right of the Imam. The Imam, peace be on him, said good-by to him and went to the Mosque of the Prophet. He found al-‘Umary was sitting there. When he saw the Imam walking towards him, stood up for him and called out: “Allah knows best where to put his (prophetic) mission.”

His companions jumped (in surprise) towards him criticizing him for this change in his attitude towards the Imam. He disputed with them and recited to them the achievements and noble deeds of the Imam and invoked Allah for him. So the Imam, peace be on him, turned to his companions and said to them: “Which was better-what you wanted or what I wanted? I have put right his attitude to the extent you have now become acquainted with.( Tarikh Baghdad, vol. 13, pp. 28-29. Kashf al-Ghumma, p. 247. )