Hospitality and Modesty of Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (as)

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Another example on the Imam’s (as) generosity was his interest in guests whom he used to honour and receive hospitably. It is narrated that Imam al-Sadiq (as) used to welcome and serve his guests personally. He used to serve them with the best and most delicious food, saying, “One who loves us more will eat more here.” Every day, he used to order his servants to cook ten bags of food, each back feeding ten persons.


Imam al-Sadiq (as) was also characterized by unselfishness and inclination to modesty although he was the master of Muslims and the leader of millions. As a sign of modesty, he used to sit on mats as he refused to sit on luxurious rugs. He always rejected the arrogant. One time, he asked someone about the chief of his tribe. The man answered, “I am.” The Imam (as) denied this reply and said, “If you were actually the head and the master, you would not say it in this way.”

He hated arrogance and looking down at people, considering these two traits as the worst traits that lead men to ill reputation and bad end result.

This is a story demonstrating the Imam’s (as) modesty and self-denial: An ordinary man used to accompany the Imam (as) for a while. After some time, the Imam (as) missed the man and asked about him. Another man answered scornfully, “He is Nabataean!” The Imam (as) replied, “The origin of each individual is his intellect; his fame is his religion; his generosity is his faith; and all people are of the same origin.”