NAJMUS SAAQIB Incident Ninety-seven: Hajj Mulla Baqir Bahbahani

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Author of Damatus Sakiba, the late Shaykh Mulla
Muhammad Baqir Najafi Bahbahani has narrated that I myself
witnessed this miracle of Hazrat Hujjat (a.s.). My only son, Ali
Muhammad once fell so seriously ill that there was no hope of
survival and his condition was deteriorating very rapidly. Scholar
and students were supplicating for his help in places where
prayers are accepted in gatherings of mourning and ritual prayers.
So much so on the eleventh night his condition worsened. All had
despaired about him and no option was untried for cure, except that his cure should be pleaded in the court of Hazrat Hujjat. I left
him and in a condition of distress came to the attic and
supplicated the Imam. I beseeched with utmost sincerity: O
Master of the Age, give me refuge; O Master of the Age, help
me. When I descended from the attic and came to the boy, I
found that his condition had improved and his breathing was
normal. He was conscious and was profusely sweating, after
which I continued to thank the Almighty and the Almighty Allah
bestowed cure through the blessings of Hazrat Hujjat and the
child was completely cured.