“Neighbours before ourselves”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

That night, his ears were focussed on the salaa and duas of his
mother, who was facing Qibla in a corner of the room. That
Friday night, he was observing his mother’s Ruku’, Sujood,
Qiyam, and Qu’ood.

Even though, he was a young child, he was aware that his
mother was praying for the mu’mineen. She was naming each
one and asking Allah for His mercy and grace for them.
What might she be asking for her own self?
Imam Hasan (pbuh) didn’t sleep all night, and was observing
his mother. He was awaiting to hear his mother’s request for
her own self, and what she would ask for herself from Allah.
The young Imam (pbuh) didn’t even hear a word for her own
In the morning, he asked her:
“Dear mother! Why didn’t you pray even once for your own
She answered: “My dear child! Neighbours before ourselves.”
Bihar al-Anwaar, v.10, p.25

Excellent Stories Vol 1