This is Ali Bin Husayn (pbuh)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A caravan of Muslims was headed towards Makka. As it
arrived in Madina, it rested a few days, and continued on
towards Makka.
On their way from Madina to Makka, a man joined the group.
This man noticed one of them who had the appearance of a
guided person. He was eagerly busy in service of the passengers.
The man recognised him. With much surprise, he asked
the Hajis if they knew this man who was at their service?
“No, we don’t know him. He joined us in Madina. He is a
pious man. We haven’t asked him for help. But he is like one
of us – helping us.”
“Obviously you don’t know him. For if you did, you would
never have allowed a man like him to be at your service.”
“Who is this person?” they asked
“This is Ali bin Husayn , Zayn ul Aabideen.”
The group stood with shame and apologised to the Imam
(pbuh). Then turning to Imam, they said:
“Why did you treat us as such? We may have gone beyond our
bounds in our ignorance, and would have committed a big sin
in being disrespectful to you.”

Imam (pbuh):
“I intentionally joined your group, for you didn’t know me.
When I join a group, where people know me, for the sake of
the Prophet (pbuh), they are very kind to me. They don’t
allow me to be of some service. Thus I was eager to join a
group where I would not be known so that I may have the
honour of being of some service to my companions.”
Bihar ul Anwaar , v.1 p.21

Excellent Stories Vol 1