Fadak – Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.) and Haroon

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Haroon al-Abbasi used to tell Imam Moosa Ibn Jafar (a.s.) take Fadak since I wish to return it to you. But he (a.s.) always declined the offer.

Haroon insisted on it upon which Imam (a.s.) said – I will not accept it until it is reinstated completely with all its limits.

Haroon asked – And what are its limits?

Imam (a.s.) – If I define its limits you will never return it.

Haroon – By your grandfather you must define it.

Imam (a.s.) – As for the first limit it is Aden (Yemen). Haroon’s face changed colour.

Haroon asked Imam (a.s.) to continue.

Imam (a.s.) – The second limit is Samarqand (Uzbekistan).

Haroon’s face turned even darker.

Imam (a.s.) – The third limit is Africa.

Haroon’s face turned black. He said – Continue.

Imam (a.s.) – The fourth limit is the sea coast along the peninsula and Armenia.

Haroon – There is nothing left for us.

Imam (a.s.) – I had already told you that if I define its limits you will never return it.

It was then that Haroon decided to kill Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.).

• Manaaqib Aal-e-Abi Talib (a.s.), vol. 4, p. 320