Shaitan in Ghadeer

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hadhrat Ali (AS) said to Janabe Salman on the day of saqifa that  The Holy
Prophet (SAW) had informed me that Iblis and his top companions were
present when, by God’s command, the Holy Prophet (SAW) had declared me
caliph in Ghadir Khum, and the Holy Prophet (SAW) had informed people
that I was Mawla of everyone and he (the Prophet) had commanded people
present that they should pass this message to those that were not present at
Ghadir. So the companions of Iblis came and told him: “This community is
blessed and is infallible. Now you and we have no power to manipulate them since they have been told who is their refuge and who is their leader aftertheir Prophet.”

At that time Iblis was saddened and he went away from

Hadhrat Ali (AS) said: “After this I was informed by the Holy Prophet
(SAW) when he said: “People will pay allegiance to Abu Bakr in the shade
of Bani Sa’eedah, when they will quarrel through my right and authority.
After that they will come to mosque and the first person that will pay
allegiance to him on my pulpit will be Iblis who will come in the form of an
old man and say so and so.

After that he will go out and gather his companions, Shaytan and Iblis. They will all go into his prostration and say:
Oh my Lord and my Almighty You are the One who made Adam come out
of Heaven and said which community is it that which will not deviate after
the death of their Prophet? Never – You thought that I will not be able to
manipulate them (and I will have no ways) –

Now how do you people find me with what I did with them when they left Allah’s obedience and the command of their Prophet, and this is what Allah has said:

And certainly the shaitan found true his conjecture concerning them, so they follow him, except a party of the believers. (Surah Saba 20)

Iblis made his thought a true action and people obeyed him except a few
faithful ones.”