“What is the reason that you’ve been created?”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Abu Shakir al-Disani was one of the villains and an exemplar of infidelity and darkness. He was from the heads of the atheists in the Islamic world. There were several debates between him and Imam al-Sadiq (as), which resulted in him being dumbfounded. Among those were the following:

Abu Shakir posed the following question for Imam al-Sadiq (as), saying: “What is the reason that you’ve been created?”

The Imam (as) answered him with the best unmistakable reasons, saying: “I found myself in one of the following situations: Either I was the creator or that another one was the creator. If I created it, there would be one of the following two aspects. Either the fact that I created it and it was available earlier, in which case I was dispensed with the creation. Or the fact that it was non-existent and you know that non-existent does not do anything. So the third concept comes to be true. Meaning that I have a creator and He is the Lord of the creations.”

Abu Shakir was astonished with the answer and expressed his inability in posing an answer. The Imam (as) set forth the reason and demonstrated with firm proofs the fact that there should be a wise, intelligent creator for these universes and the creator of the human beings.

Al-Disani stopped Imam al-Sadiq (as) and told him: “O Jafar ibn Muhammad! Guide me toward my Lord!”

The Imam’s (as) servant, who had an egg in his hand, was standing beside the Imam (as). The Imam (as) took that egg and said: “O Disani! This is a protected profound secret with thin integument. There is a thin integument under the thin one and under the thin integument a golden liquid and a silver liquid is available. The golden liquid is neither mixed with the silver one, nor is the silver liquid mixed with the golden one.

It remains stable and nothing comes out of it and nobody claim that. Nothing that can spoil it enters inside to spoil it. Nobody knows whether they are created to be male or female that has, for instance, the colours of peacock. Do you not think that there is a creator for this?”

Al-Disani bowed his head towards the ground and announced his repentance, embraced Islam and denied what he stated earlier.

The Imam (as) had demonstrated what should be demonstrated with strong evidences. He, for instance, told him about the constituents of an egg, which is one of the wonders of Almighty Allah that results in one of the various birds, of which the most beautiful one is the peacock with its great and beautiful colouring composition in its feather. It is one of the creatures of Almighty Allah that no one ever denies except those ignorant.