Debate : Is Shaitan more Knowledgable or Imam ?

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I (the author) say that among the progeny of Meytham is Abul Hasan Meytham bin Ali bin Isma’il bin Shu’ayb bin Meytham at Tammar, who was a Shi’ah Mutakallim (Scholastic) during the times of Mamoon and Mu’tasim. He held debates with the atheists and opponents, and his contemporary was Abu Huzayl Allaf, the chief of Mu’tazilah in Basra.

Shaikh Mufeed narrates that Ali bin Meytham once asked Abu Huzayl Allaf that, “Do you not believe that Iblees (Shaitan) restrains from performing all good deeds and that he invites towards the evil”? Abu Huzayl replied in the affirmative. Ali said, “Then does he invite towards evil without being unaware that it is evil, and he stops from good without knowing that it is good”?

Abu Huzayl replied, “Yes, he knows all that.” Abul Hasan (Ali) con­tinued, “Thus it is proved that Shaitan is aware of all that is good or evil.” Abu Huzayl agreed to it, to which Ali said, “Then tell me about the Imam (Caliph) after the Prophet whether he knew all that was good or evil”? Abu Huzayl replied in the negative. Ali said, “Then Shaitan is more learned than your Imam.” Hearing this Abu Huzayl was dumb-founded.

Reference : Nafasul Mahmoom – Shaikh abbas Qummi (r.a.)