Hazrat Adam a.s. weeps for Imam Hussain a.s.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prophet Adam (a.s.) saw the names of Prophet Muhammad (S) and Imams (a.s.) written on the base of the Empyrean (Arsh) and Jibra’eel instructed him to say: O’ the Praiseworthy (Hameed), by the right of Muhammad (S), O Most High (Ali), by the right of Ali, O Creator (Fatir), by the right of Fatima, O Benevolent (Mohsin), by the right of Hasan and Husayn, and from you is goodness. When Prophet Adam (a.s.) uttered the name of Husayn his eyes were filled with tears and his heart was pained. Adam told Jibra’eel,

“O brother Jibra’eel! When I take the name of the fifth one among them, my eyes get filled with tears and my heart gets shattered.”

Jibra’eel replied, “This son of yours (Husayn) will be sur­rounded by such afflictions that all other calamities will seem low and less when compared to it.” Prophet Adam (a.s.) asked Jibra’eel as to what those afflictions would be, to which Jibra’eel replied, “He will be killed as a thirsty, forlorn and a lonely traveler. He will have no friend or helper.

Would that you see him calling out: O thirst! O loneliness! and his thirst would spread between him and the heavens like smoke. No one will answer his call except the swords and the rain of death, and he will be butchered like a sheep from the back of his neck. And the enemies will rob the belongings from his tents, and his blessed head, while those of his companions, will be paraded on the points of lances in the cities in the midst of his (imprisoned) ladies. Thus it has been revealed in the knowl­edge of the Lord.”

Thus Prophet Adam (a.s.) and Jibra’eel both started weeping as a mother weeps over the loss of her son.

Reference : Nafasul Mahmoom – Shaikh abbas Qummi (r.a.)