“Get away, may Allah never forgive you”.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sayyid Ibn Tawoos says that Ibn Lahee’ah and others relate this report from which we quote a part according to our need. I was circumambulating the Ka’bah and I heard a man say, “O Allah forgive me! But I know that You shall never do so”. I said, “O slave of Allah! Fear Allah and do not utter this. Even if your sins are equal to the drops of rain or the leaves of the trees, seek pardon from Allah, and He shall certainly forgive them. While Allah is Forgiving, Merciful”.

He said, “Come, so that I may relate to you regarding myself”. He continued, “We were fifty men accompanying the head of Husayn to Syria. Every night we would place the head of Husayn into a trunk and drink wine surrounding it. One night my friends drank wine and were intoxicated and inebriated while I did not drink. When a part of the night passed by, I heard a sound of thunder and saw lightening.

Suddenly the doors of the heavens were opened ajar and Prophets Adam (a.s.), Nooh (a.s.), Ibraheem (a.s.), Isma’eel (a.s.), and Ishaq (a.s.), and our Prophet Muhammad (S), accompanied by Jibra’eel and other Angels, descended. Jibra’eel came near the trunk, and lifting the blessed head from it, embraced it while kissing it. Then each of the Prophets followed him likewise until it reached the last Prophet (S). The Prophet started weeping while the other Prophets condoled him. Then Jibra’eel said, ‘O Muhammad (S)! I am your obedient one with regards to your nation. And if you command me, I shall capsize the earth upon them as I did with the nation of Prophet Loot (a.s.)’.

The Prophet (S) replied, ‘O Jibra’eel! Verily I shall have an accounting against them in the Audience of Allah’. Then the Angels proceeded to kill us and I said: Refuge! Refuge! O Prophet of Allah! And he (S) said, “Get away, may Allah never forgive you”.

Reference : Nafasul Mahmoom – Shaikh abbas Qummi (r.a.)