Merits of reciting salawaat in Mahe Shabaan

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Allamah Ahmed Ibne Mohammad al-Husaini Ardakani reports
that it is narrated that there is a sea in paradise which is called
“The Sea of Barkat.” There is a tree on the shore of this sea
which is called “The Tree of Tahiyyaat.” This tree is the home
of a bird who recites salawaat. Whenever a believer recites
salawaat in the month of Shabaan, Allah orders the bird to take
a dip in the sea. The bird does so and then comes out of the
water and shakes off the water. Allah creates one angel in
exchange of every drop of water which falls from the feather of
this bird. The angels, from the time of their creation praise and glorify Allah (s.w.t.) and gift its reward to the reciter of

Ref : Fazila e Salawaat