‘Mkhelef , why do you not do matam for al-Abbas ?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

‘Mkhelef’ was the name of a man who lived in al-Muhammara and was inflicted with a
chronic illness in his legs which were as thin as fingers . Most of the inhabitants of al-
Muhammara knew that man and his illness . Creeping on his buttocks and hands , Mkhelef
used to be present at the memorial gatherings held for commemorating the tragedy of
Imam al-Hussein (a) . He used to sit under the mimbar with the legs extended . Sheikh
Khaz’al , chief of the province of al-Ahwaz southern Iran , had a Husseiniyya in which the
ceremonies of the consolation of Imam al-Hussein were held . On the seventh day of
Muharram that year , people , as usual , stood up for slapping on their chests as
expression of their deep sadness for the martyrdom of al-Abbas . In the midst of their
slapping and shouting , the crowds observed that Mkhelef was standing among them
shouting , ‘I am Mkhelef . Al-Abbas enabled me to stand up on my legs . ’ As they noticed
this miracle , people rushed upon Mkhelef and tore his clothes as each one tried to take a
piece of it for seeking blessings . Sheikh Khaz’al then ordered his officials to take Mkhelef
to one of the rooms of the Husseiniyya and prevent people from reaching him . When
people asked him what had happened , Mkhelef recounted : As people were slapping and
shouting , I fell into a slumber under the mimbar . I saw a tall , handsome man on a horse
asking me : ‘Mkhelef , why do you not slap for al-Abbas ? ’ ‘Sir , ’ I answered , ‘I cannot
because of that which you see . ’ As the horseman ordered me to stand up , I asked him to
give me his hands so that they will help me stand up . He said , ‘I do not have hands ! You
may hold on the stirrup of the horse and stand up .

AL-ABBAS – Ansariyan Publication