O Dad, Isn’t your master “the gate to the people’s needs”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mr. Sayed Ali Safavi Kashani, the encomiast of the Prophet’s Household (Ahlebeyt) narrated from Mr. Harouni that: One of the water-carriers in the Heyat who carried water during Moharram (Ashura) and provided water for the kids, relates that God granted me a son who was suffering from paralysis for 11 years. One Tassoua night, I wanted to leave house, and the water bag was on my shoulder. My son called me: Where do you go dad? I answered: My dear son, tonight is Tassoua, and I am water-carrier in the Heyat. I shall go to provide water for the Heyat people. He said: You have never taken me to Heyat. Isn’t your master “the gate to the people’s need”? Take me with yourself to Heyat tonight, and ask for my healing from God, and your master. He says that I was deeply affected, and put the water bag on one of my shoulders and my son on the other, and left the house. When Heyat was moving, I stood in front of Heyat, and said: Wait! Tonight my son told me something that my heart was broken. If my master does not heal my son tonight, tomorrow I will come to Heyat and tear this water bag, and will not act as water-carrier for Abalfazl Abbas (a.s.) anymore. I said this and Heyat moved. At midnight, the mourning ceremony of Heyat was finished. Nothing happened and I was worried. I thought: O God, why did I say this? They may prefer my son to be in such condition, and God may deem it proper for me and him! Anyway, I have said so, and if it is not realized, I will tear the water bag tomorrow. I returned to home. Both I and my son were weeping. Once I saw, my son called me: Please stop crying. Forgive me if I have broken your heart! I am satisfied with whatever God is satisfied! I came out of the room, and went to the other room. I was restless and still crying until I fell asleep. Once I heard my son is calling me, and says: Dad, come here, your master helped me. Your master healed me, dad. I opened the door, and saw my son is standing on his foot. I asked: What happened?! He answered: When you left the room and I was weeping, I suddenly saw that the room is bright, and someone is standing beside me. He said to me: Stand up. I said: I cannot stand. He said: Say Abalfazl for once, and stand up! I too said Abalfazl for once, and stood up. Dad, your master did not disappoint me, and healed me! The narrator says: I took my son on my shoulder and left the house, while crying loudly: O people of Heyat, come to see that Abbas (a.s.) is not disloyal. He healed my son!

Abul Fazl al Abbas: Eminence and Status Syed Mohamad Masoom