Recite the tragedy of al-Abbas

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sayyid Ibrahim al-Bahbahani recounted :
One week after my marriage in AH 1351 , I had flu accompanied by high fever . The
physicians of Najaf , including Dr . Mohammad Zaki Abazha , treated me , but uselessly .
As my disease was increasing , I decided not to see any physician . A few moths later , a
committee of four physicians decided that I would die in a month . In Muharram , AH 1354 ,
my father went to a village called ‘al-Qasim’ to recite the tragic saga of Imam al-Hussein
(a) , in the memorial gatherings for that anniversary . My mother , who was in an
incessant state of weeping , was tending me . At the seventh night of that month , I saw in
sleep a tall , good-looking man asking me to give a sermon in the memorial gathering held
in that anniversary . He also asked me to go to Karbala and mention the saga of al-Abbas
there . For three times , that man asked me to do that thing . When I woke up , I told my
mother of that dream . She was delighter and decided to take me to the holy shrine of al-
Abbas . None responded to her suggestion because of the bad state I had . Finally , some
relatives decided to put me in a coffin because I was unable to ride anything . As soon as
we arrived in the holy shrine , I slept there and saw that very man who reproached me for
delay and asked me to recite the saga of al-Abbas . I woke up with terror , but I
immediately fainted . When I recovered consciousness , I was very healthy . Everybody
who was in the holy shrine , the yard , and even the market gathered around me with
cries of Allahu Akbar and La Ilaha illa (A)llah . Policemen attended , asked people to leave ,
and took me out to the hall facing the holy sanctuary…

AL-ABBAS – Ansariyan Publication