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Hafsul Amr enquired from Imam ‘Ali an-Naqi (a.s.): “The ruler has appointed agents to purchase our agricultural produce. Is it allowed for us to bribe those agents so that we may remain safe from the ruler’s tyranny?”

Imam (a.s.) replied,

“There is no harm in it. You may pay whatever you think fit.”

Then Imam (a.s.) asked:

“Do you have to supply lesser quantity of grain to the ruler after you have paid the bribe to these agents?”

“Yes,” said the questioner.

“You have invalidated your bribe (i.e. you have made the bribe Harām),” Imam told him.6

Thus it is clear that bribing to cause someone to be oppressed is Harām but it is permitted in order to save oneself from oppression.

 Reference :Greater Sins Volume 2