It has been reported on the authority of Imam Sadeq (AS):
“On the Day of Judgment, two believers who are entitled to paradise, are brought for reckoning. One is poor and the other is wealthy. The poor believer says: O God! Why should I stop here? By Your Glory! You know well that You did not give me authority to be just. You did not give me wealth to give alms. My sustenance, according to Your will, was sufficient, God says; My servant is right, open the way for him to enter paradise. But He keeps the other one waiting until sweat shed by him can quench the thirst of forty camels. It is only then that he will enter paradise. There, the poor believer says to him; What kept you behind? He will say: Reckoning was long. A question was being raised and God would forgive it. Then other questions were asked and God would forgive it. Then other questions were asked and God extended His Mercy to me and made me join those who repent. But now tell me and made me join those who repent. But now tell me who you are? The other one says; I am the poor believer who was with you before. Then the wealthy believer says: The heavenly blessings have completely changed you.”