Sheikh Abu Jafar Mohammad Ibne Ahmad Ibne Ali Ghomi reports: I said to Ma-aaz: Tell me a Hadith you have heard from the Holy Prophet (SAW) and you have it in your memory. Ma-aaz said: All right and his tears started running. He then said: By my parents! While I was walking with the Holy Prophet (SAW) he raised his eyes towards the sky and said: * * “Praise is due to Allah who judges among people on whatever he wishes. Then he said: O Ma-aaz! I said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah and Master of the believers.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: *
* “O Ma-aaz! I said: Yes O Messenger of Allah! O leader of the good and prophet of mercy!” *
* “I will give you a piece of news no prophet has given to his nation. If you memorize it, it will benefit you in your life and if you hear but do not memorize it, you will not have any excuse before God.” *
* “Then he said: Before creation of heavens, God created seven angels appointing each of them in a heaven and made that heaven splendid with that glory. Then God appointed an angel as gate keeper to each of the gates of heavens. The guardian angels record man’s deeds day and night and send them up while it is as bright as the sun. When they reach the sky of the world, they purify the deed and add to it but out of sudden the angel will say: Wait! Throw this deed to the face of its doer. I am the angel recording the act of backbiting. I will not let the deed of a backbiter pass on to a heaven. This is the order of My Lord.” *
* “He said: Then the next day while carrying good deeds the angels return and pass by the former angel, purify the deed and add to it till they reach the second heaven where the angel of that heaven will say: Stop here. Throw this deed to the face of its doer, for with this deed, he was following mean objectives in world. I am the angel of worldly affairs and will not let the deed of this person pass on to others from here.” *
* “He said, The next stage angels, take up the deed of God’s servant from whose charity and prayer they are happy. But when they reach the third heaven, the angel will say: Throw this deed to the face of its doer. I am the angel recording arrogance. This person had good deeds but was arrogant to people. My Lord has ordered me to let his deed pass on to others from here.” *
* “Then he said: The guardian angels took up the deed of God’s servant while it was shining like a star and his voice was up with glorification of God, fast, and Hajj pilgrimage. They were taking it up to the fourth heaven when an angel said: Stop here. Throw it to the face and belly of its doer. I am the angel recording self-admiration. He was self-conceited. He had good deeds but he was complacent. My Lord has ordered to stop his deed to pass on to others from here.” *
* “Then he said: The next stage, the guardian angels take up man’s deed which like a bride is ready for wedding. When they reach the fifth heaven, the good deed is accompanied by Jihad, prayer and a sad voice like the moaning, of a camel and the light of the sun. But the angel will say: Stop here! I am the angel recording jealousy. Throw it to the face of its doer and put it on his shoulder. He was jealous of seekers of knowledge and the obedient to God. Whenever he saw someone was superior in devotion, he was jealous of him and he started doing it. Here that man’s deed is put on his shoulder while the deed curses him.” *
* “Then he said: Once again the guardian angels take up man’s deeds such as prayer, alms, and Hajj to the sixth heaven but the angel will say: Stop here, I am the angel recording mercy. Throw this deed to the face of its doer and make him blind, for he had no mercy on any one. If anyone committed a wrongdoing or suffered a loss he would blame him. My Lord ordered to stop his deed from passing on from here.” *
* He said: The guardian angels take up to heaven man’s deed which is accompanied by understanding, endeavor and piety while it has a sound like that of thunder and lightning. In addition, three thousand angels will accompany it. When they reach the angel in the seventh heaven he will say: Stop here. Throw this deed to the face of its doer. I am the angel in charge of veiling. I will conceal from Him any deed which is not for His sake. This person meant to obtain a high position with the chiefs and have reputation. My Lord has ordered me to stop him from passing on to others as long as his deed has not been refined for God.” *
* “Then he said: This time, the guardian angels will take up man’s deeds for which man is happy. Deeds like prayer, alms, fast, Hajj, good temper, silence, and remembrance of God which are accompanied by the heavenly angels as well as the seven angels reap all the veils till they stand before God and they testify for him in practice and with Dua. But God will say: You are the guardians of the deeds of My servants but I am the guardian of what passes in his heart. He did not mean Me with his deeds. My curse be upon him.”
At this time, Ma-aaz started weeping and said: What shall I do to have devotion in my deed? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: * * “Follow your prophet in being certain about the unity of God.”
Ma-aaz says: I said: You are the Messenger of Allah and I am Ma-aaz. The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: * * “O Ma-aaz! If you have any shortcoming in your deed, stop talking about your brother in faith and carriers of the Holy Quran. Blame yourself for your wrongdoing not your brethren. Do not ever justify yourself by reproaching your brothers in faith. Do not overestimate yourself at the price of humiliating your brothers. Do not dissimulate. Let not your worldly desires interfere your affairs in the Hereafter. Watch your language when associating with people so as people will not keep aloof from you. Do not whisper in an assembly. Do not magnify yourself, for you will be deprived of the blessings. Do not reproach people, for the dogs of Hell will reproach you. God says: “By Nashetaat!” *
* “Do you know who “Nashetaat” are? They are the dogs of Hell who bite flesh and bone.” I said: Who can forbear this description? The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: *
* “O Ma-aaz! This will be easy to one for whom God has made it easy.” The reporter says: Ma-aaz did not recite the Holy Quran so much as he related this Hadith.