The prayer of Eid

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nother important reason that led al-Ma’moon to bear a grudge against Imam ar-Redha (a.s) was the prayer of Eid. Al-Ma’moon asked Imam ar-Redha (a.s) to lead the congregational prayer of Eid, but Imam ar-Redha (a.s) refused. Al-Ma’moon kept insisting on it until the Imam agreed but on the condition that he would lead the people in the prayer as his grandfather the messenger of Allah did. Al-Ma’moon agreed to that and ordered the leaders, the officers and the rest of the people to go to the house of Imam ar-Redha (a.s) early in the morning. The people, in all their different classes, went out early in the morning and sat in the streets while others climbed up the rooftops, and all were looking eagerly for the coming of Imam ar-Redha (a.s). In the morning, Imam ar-Redha (a.s) took a ghusl[2] and prepared himself for the Eid Prayer. He donned a white turban and let one end of it hang down his chest and let the other end hang between his shoulders. He ordered his servants to do the same. He went out barefoot holding a stick in his hand. After every step, he raised his head and said “Allahu Akbar (Allah is great).” The power of his utterance was felt, as it seemed to the people that the air and even the walls of houses were responding to him.

he leaders and the rest of people had donned the best of their clothes, were holding weapons and had prepared themselves in the manner they considered best, as they were accustomed to doing with their kings and rulers. Imam ar-Redha (a.s) continued his march in his own splendid manner which made heads turn and submit to it. He raised his voice and kept reciting, “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar for what He has guided us to. Allahu Akbar for what He has granted us of cattle, and praise be to Allah for that which He has tried us with….”

People raised their voices while repeating what he recited and began crying, for they saw in the imam the actions of the messenger of Allah. They discovered the deviation of their rulers and saw that they were not on the truth. Marv burst into a clamor. The leaders fell off from their mounts. Some historians have said that the lucky leaders were those who were able to find an acquaintance to lead their animals back to their homes.

Imam ar-Redha (a.s), after every ten steps, stopped to recite the Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) four times. The people repeated after him. They cried loudly for they viewed the Imam as the natural continuity of the personality of his grandfather the messenger of Allah, who was the greatest liberator of the oppressed humanity.

Al-Bahri, the poet, described Imam ar-Redha’s (a.s) leaving to lead the prayer in the following words:

“They remembered by your expression, when you came out of the rows,

the Prophet and so they said Tahlil and Takbir,

until you reached the mosque, wearing the light of guidance that was visible on you, and walked reverently and submissively to Allah,

neither with pride nor with arrogance.

If the minbar could walk, it would hurry towards you out of yearning.”

Al-Ma’moon was informed that the people were so highly revering and glorifying Imam ar-Redha (a.s). Al-Fadhl bin Sahl said to him, “If ar-Redha reaches the place of prayer in this state, people will be seduced by him. You had better ask him to return.” Al-Ma’moon then sent to Imam ar-Redha (a.s) to come back and he returned. ( Uyun Akhbar ar-Redha, vol. 2 p.150-151, Noor al-Absar, p.143. )

Reference : The Life of Imam Muhammad Al-Jawad