Mu’min al-Taq Debates with Abu Hanifa

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mu’min al-Taq had with Abu Hanifa wonderful debates indicating his victory and excellence over him. He met with him, and he sneeringly asked him:

-I have heard something about you, O People of Shi’a!

-What is it?

-When one of you dies, you break his left hand, that he may be given his book in his right hand.

Soon Mu’min al-Taq aimed at him an arrow of his abundant knowledge, saying to him:

-O Nu’man, this lie has been fabricated against us. However, I have heard about you, O People of the Murji’a, that when one of you dies, you supply him with water through the back, that he may not be thirsty on the Day of Resurrection.

Abu Hanifa was unable to give an answer. He said to him with the words of someone deserted:

-These lies have been fabricated against us and you

Mu’min al-Taq met with Abu Hanifa another time, and he asked him:

-O Abu Ja‘far, do you believe in the return?


Abu Hanifa sneeringly said to him:

-Give me five hundred dinars. When I and you return, I will give it back to you.

So Mu’min al-Taq said to him:

-I want someone to guarantee that you will not turn into a monkey, that I will be able to take back what you will borrow from me.

Abu Hanifa was unable to answer him. He went away deserted.

He met with him another time, and he asked him:

-Abu Ja‘far, what is your opinion of contemporary marriage? Do you think that it is Islamically lawful?


-Then what prevents you from ordering your wives to marry contemporarily and earn you (some money)?

-Not all jobs are desirable even if they are lawful. People have ranks through which their importance is high. However, Abu Hanifa, what is your opinion of wine? Do you think that it is lawful?


-Then what prevents you from letting your wives sit in wine shops and earn you (some money)?

-One for one, but your arrow is more penetrative!

When Imam Abu ‘Abd Allah (al-Sadiq), peace be on him, passed away, Abu Hanifa gloated over his death and said to Mu’min al-Taq:

-Abu Ja‘far, Your Imam has died!

-But your Imam is among those who have been granted a respite until the Day of Resurrection. By that he meant Satan.