in his book of Farajul Mahmoom: There is a report, which was mentioned
to me by one, whose veracity is proved to me in what he stated: He says:
I used to pray to the Master of the Time, Imam Mahdi (a.s.)
that he should include me among his servants and supports during the time of
his occultation, but I had not divulged this desire to anyone else.
that he should include me among his servants and supports during the time of
his occultation, but I had not divulged this desire to anyone else.
On 29th Rajab 635 A.H. on Thursday, Rashid Abul Abbas Wasiti
came to me and without me saying anything, remarked: He has told you with love
and affection that if you remain patient, your wish would be fulfilled.
came to me and without me saying anything, remarked: He has told you with love
and affection that if you remain patient, your wish would be fulfilled.
I asked: On whose behalf do you say this?
He replied: I say this on behalf of my master, Imam Mahdi