some copies it is mentioned as Abul Faraj Muzaffar bin Husain Hamadani, was a
trustworthy person and a prominent Imamite and he was an envoy of Imam Zamana
He lived during the time of Shaykh Mufeed, Abu Abdullah
Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Noman Harithi Baghdadi, attended the gatherings of Sayyid
Murtada and Shaykh Abu Ja’far Toosi. He recited books for Shaykh Mufeed but not
for those two gentlemen. Informed me my father from his father about those
writings: that is his narrations and books; through this channel I got the
permission to narrate and quote them. Among then are: Kitabul Ghaibah,
Kitabus Sunnah, Kitabuz Zahid fil Akhbaar, Kitabul Minhaaj, Kitabul Faraid.[1]
Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Noman Harithi Baghdadi, attended the gatherings of Sayyid
Murtada and Shaykh Abu Ja’far Toosi. He recited books for Shaykh Mufeed but not
for those two gentlemen. Informed me my father from his father about those
writings: that is his narrations and books; through this channel I got the
permission to narrate and quote them. Among then are: Kitabul Ghaibah,
Kitabus Sunnah, Kitabuz Zahid fil Akhbaar, Kitabul Minhaaj, Kitabul Faraid.[1]
It is clear that his sitting in the lecture of Sayyid and
Shaykh, was representing them in teaching and education and not benefiting from
it; as is clear from his later statement. And Allah knows best.
Shaykh, was representing them in teaching and education and not benefiting from
it; as is clear from his later statement. And Allah knows best.