has also narrated another incident that Moammar bin Shams was one of the kings’
friends and he was also called by the title of Muzawwar. He was the trustee of
Alawite properties and one of his assistants was called Ibnul Khatib and he had
another servant named, Usmaan who maintained his accounts. Ibnul Khatib was a
righteous believer whereas Usmaan was a Sunni. They often argued on religious
One day it so happened that they had an argument at the
Place of Ibrahim (a.s.) in public. Ibnul Khatib said: The truth will become
clear just now. I will write the names of those whom I am devoted to, and they
are Hasan and Husain (a.s.). And you may write the name of those to whom you
are devoted: like Abu Bakr, Umar and Usmaan. Then both our hands will be tied
up together and placed in the fire. Whoever’s hand is burnt will be considered
false and one, whose hand is unhurt will be on truth.
Place of Ibrahim (a.s.) in public. Ibnul Khatib said: The truth will become
clear just now. I will write the names of those whom I am devoted to, and they
are Hasan and Husain (a.s.). And you may write the name of those to whom you
are devoted: like Abu Bakr, Umar and Usmaan. Then both our hands will be tied
up together and placed in the fire. Whoever’s hand is burnt will be considered
false and one, whose hand is unhurt will be on truth.
But Usmaan refused to take up the challenge and people began
to ridicule him. Usmaan’s mother was observing this from above; thus when she
heard the people make fun of her son she began to abuse them and while she was
abusing them, she lost her eyesight and became totally blind. Now, she began to
scream in terror, but when her friends came to see what the matter was, they
found that her eyes seemed to be all right; but nothing was visible from them.
to ridicule him. Usmaan’s mother was observing this from above; thus when she
heard the people make fun of her son she began to abuse them and while she was
abusing them, she lost her eyesight and became totally blind. Now, she began to
scream in terror, but when her friends came to see what the matter was, they
found that her eyes seemed to be all right; but nothing was visible from them.
Thus, they helped her to come down and then took her to
Hilla. When this news spread in her clan, they summoned the physicians of Baghdad and Hilla, but
they could not do anything for her.
Hilla. When this news spread in her clan, they summoned the physicians of Baghdad and Hilla, but
they could not do anything for her.
Then some believer ladies with whom she had acquaintance,
told her: Only Imam Qaaem (a.s.) has made you blind. Now, if you accept the
Shia faith and adopt Tawalla and Tabarra we will guarantee your salvation, the
Almighty Allah will cure your malady. Without it, your salvation is impossible.
told her: Only Imam Qaaem (a.s.) has made you blind. Now, if you accept the
Shia faith and adopt Tawalla and Tabarra we will guarantee your salvation, the
Almighty Allah will cure your malady. Without it, your salvation is impossible.
She agreed on these conditions and on Friday eve, the ladies
brought her below the dome and left her alone at the place of Imam Zamana
(a.s.). Then they came outside and spent the night there.
brought her below the dome and left her alone at the place of Imam Zamana
(a.s.). Then they came outside and spent the night there.
When a quarter of the night had passed that lady came out
and her sight was restored. She was able to see and recognize each of them.
and her sight was restored. She was able to see and recognize each of them.
The other ladies were elated at this miracle cure and they
asked her to explain how it happened.
asked her to explain how it happened.
She explained: When you left me below the dome, I felt
someone touching my arm and saying: Go out, the Almighty Allah has cured you.
someone touching my arm and saying: Go out, the Almighty Allah has cured you.
As soon as he said this, my sight was restored and I saw the
whole shrine illuminated with a bright light. Then I noticed a person there and
asked him who he was.
whole shrine illuminated with a bright light. Then I noticed a person there and
asked him who he was.
He said that he was Muhammad bin Hasan, and after that he disappeared.
The ladies brought her back to her house and her son, Usmaan
also embraced the Shia faith and both proved sincere converts. This incident
became famous in her community and all those who heard about it, became
believers in the existence of Imam Zamana (a.s.). This incident occurred in 744
also embraced the Shia faith and both proved sincere converts. This incident
became famous in her community and all those who heard about it, became
believers in the existence of Imam Zamana (a.s.). This incident occurred in 744