A person came to Sheik Mufeed and asked him that a man wanted to perform Ghusl (Bath) and wished to get the felicity of maximum number of Ghusls.
At one time, he said, a person can perform 20 Ghusls for various reasons. Some of these Ghusls are mandatory and others optional. He asked then how is it possible that one can perform several Ghusls simultaneously.
When a person had a night discharge, Ghusl e Janabat (Purification) is mandatory.
Then he copulated with his spouse and the Ghusl became obligatory for him.
Then the person had touched a dead body that hadn’t yet been given the last Ghusl and it became obligatory for him to personally perform the Ghusl Muss e Mayyat. This is the third Ghusl that became mandatory for him.
Then, he touches a dead body which had already been bathed. In this event the Ghusl e Muss e Mayyat is Mustaheb (Desirable) for him. This was the fourth Ghusl that he had to perform.
Now that he was entering the precincts of Madina and it is Mustaheb (Desirable) that he performed a Ghusl. This will be the fifth Ghusl for him.
On entering Madina, he wanted to visit Jannat al Baqi and again a Ghusl is Mustaheb.
When one visits the mausoleum of an Infallible (a.s) a Ghusl is Mustaheb; for visiting the grave of the Prophet (s.a) he will have to perform a Ghusl which will be his seventh on the day.
This event is happening on Idd al Adha and he has to perform a Ghusl in the morning for the Idd.
If the Idd is falling on a Friday, the person will have to perform Ghusl for the Friday Prayer.
The 9th of Zil Hijja is the day of Arafa, on which day Hazrat Muslim ibne Aqeel was martyred and if one cannot perform the Ghusl on that day, he must perform the missed Ghusl the next day. This was the tenth Ghusl.
The day on which he wanted to perform the Ghusl, there is total eclipse of the sun and it is Mustaheb for him to perform a Ghusl for it.. If during the Solar or Lunar eclipse the person hadn’t offered the Namaz e Ayaat, he is required to perform a Ghusl before offering the missed Namaz e Ayaat. After offering the Namaz e Ayaat, the person wishes to offer prayer for seeking Allah’s Felicity, for this too a Ghusl is Mustaheb.
After this prayer the person wishes to do the Istekhara and it is Mustaheb that he performed Ghusl before this.
The person is also aware that it had not rained for a long time and he wishes to offer a prayer for seeking copious rainfall. For offering the Namaz e Baarish the person should perform the Ghusl prior to the prayer.
For visiting the graves of the Prophet (s.a) and the Imams (a.s) the person wishes to offer the Namaz e Tauba (The Prayer of Repentance) and for this he must perform a Ghusl.
When the person was on the way to Madina his eyes fell on a person who was being hanged. When a person witnesses such a scene, it is Mustaheb that he performs a Ghusl.
On the way he came across a large wild chameleon and killed it. When one kills such an animal, a Ghusl is Mustaheb for him.
Now, entering Madina he waanted to do Mubahila (Imprecation) or seeking Allah’s Curse on the liar, with his enemy. For this it is Mustaheb for him to perform Ghusl.
He had slept in the night in a state of intoxication, it is Mustaheb for him to perform Ghusl.
Thus he has to perform 20 Ghusls by making the Niyat (Intent) for all the 20, and he would get the felicity for all the 20 Ghusls by performing the Ghusl once.
Shi‘ite Authorities in the Age of Major Occultation Part 1: Sheikh Mufid