Abu Usman says: I was sitting along with Salman-e-Farsi under a tree.
He took a dried branch of that tree and shook it, all the dried leaves dropped down.
Then Salman said to me: “You don’t ask me why I have done like this?”
I said: “Why you did this?”
He answered: “Once I was sitting under a tree with the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh). Hadhrat caught hold of a dried branch of that tree and shook it, all the dried leaves fell on the ground.”
Then he (pbuh) said: “Salman! You did not ask me why I have done this action?”
I said: “Why you have done this O Messenger of Allah?”
He replied: “When a Muslim performs his Wudhu properly and then
attends to his Salaat five times a day, his sins shed in the same
manner as the dried leaves of this tree.”
(Biharul Anwaar)
Shedding of the sins
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