Hazrat Dawood (as) and the Frog

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Prophet Dawud (pbuh) , once on finishing the recitation of the
Zaboor and performing salaa felt satisfied with his ibada to
As he left his mihrab a frog came up to him. The frog said:
“O Dawud! Is it true that you feel satisfied with yourself?
Every night I recite 1,000 tasbeehs- and in each tasbeeh I
recite 3,000 praises of Allah.
O Dawud! When I am at the bottom of the pond and I hear the
cry of a bird who is hungry, I come to the surface of the water
so the bird may see me and eat me as it’s food. This is part of
my duty that I perform towards Allah.”

Excellent Stories Vol 1