Incident of a Blessed Cow

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the nation of Bani Israel, a youth was killed. The people
came to Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) and requested him to inform them
about the murderer. Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) prayed to Allah and
sought reply of the question of the people. Allah revealed to
him (a.s.), “The murdered one will inform about the murderer.
I will save everyone except the murderer and I will increase the
sustenance of a person who was reciting salawaat on
Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny. I will make him rich
because of this incident (murder) and will bestow reward on
him in this world. Ask the people to slaughter a cow.” The
people asked how should be the cow? Allah, the High revealed
that it should not be long nor short but between it. Again it was
queried about the color of the cow. It was revealed that it
should be yellow. Then it was requested that what should be
the characteristics of the cow. It was informed that the cow
should have not worked nor should have any defects. People
found out that the cow with the above characteristics was
owned by a youth.
The youth had seen Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and Ameerul
Momeneen (a.s.) in his dream. They (a.s.) had informed him
that as he had taken them (a.s.) as his friend and was givingthem preference over all other things, he would receive
rewards for his actions in the world.
The youth did not want to sell his cow without the permission
of his mother. The mother of the youth stipulated that the price
of the cow will be equal to the gold coins filled in the skin of
the cow. The people agreed to the price and purchased it. The
cow was slaughtered as per the order of Allah, the High. The
tail of the cow was touched at the place on the body of youth
on which he was inflicted injury and he died because of it.
They prayed: “O Allah, by the right of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.)
and his holy progeny enliven this youth and give him power to
name his murderer. The youth became alive and informed that
his two cousins have killed him due to envy of he marrying his
cousin sister. Then Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) killed the murderers.
It was observed by the people that the youth did not become
alive till they filled the skin of the cow with gold coins and
gave it to seller. The people inquired from Hazrat Moosa (a.s.)
about the wisdom of the murdered youth coming to life and
informing the name of his murderers and the owner of the cow
becoming rich. Allah, the High revealed to Hazrat Moosa (a.s.)
that whoever desires to have a happy life in this world and a
big house in hereafter then they should perform the action
which the youth was performing. The youth had heard the
virtues of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny from Hazrat
Moosa (a.s.). He recited salawaat on Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and
his progeny and accepted them as superior over all creatures.
Because of this he was given this bounty of wealth.
The youth asked Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) about the safety of his
wealth as he feared of its being stolen. Hazrat Moosa (a.s.)
informed him to recite salawaat to safeguard his wealth from
the evil people.The youth who was murdered prayed to Allah with the right of
those personalities through whom the owner of the cow had
prayed and had become rich. He prayed that he should be given
life in this world. He beseeched for bounties in the world and
implored that he should remain save from his enemies and
enviers and increase his sustenance. Allah, the High revealed
to Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) that this youth had spent sixteen years
of his life, I have increased his age to seventy years with all the
bounties and marry him to his cousin. If this youth prays like
the youth who owned cow prayed i.e. through salawaat on
Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny then I will safeguard
him from his enemies, I will not despair him if he repents. If he
repents after being despair through the right of Mohammad
(s.a.w.a.) and his progeny, I will erase his evil action from
among the people in a way that people will not remember it.
The people came to Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) and said that due to
giving their wealth for purchasing the cow, they have become
poor. They requested Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) to pray to Allah to
increase their sustenance. Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) said: “Woe unto
you all, did you not hear the prayers of the owner of the cow
and the murdered youth. You pray like them and recite
salawaat on Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and his progeny.” They did
so. “Allah revealed to Hazrat Moosa (a.s.) to inform the elders
of the nation to go at a particular place and remove ten crore
dinars. Then each of them should take the amount they had
contributed for buying the cow and then distribute among
themselves the remaining dinar. This I have given them due to
their asking by the right of Mohammad (s.a.w.a.) and his

Ref : Fazila e Salawaat