Reading Time: < 1 minute

Writers of biographies have written about the world famous repentant
(penitent ) Fuzail Ayaaz that one of his most brilliant and wise students
fell on death bed. Fuzail and some others went to see him. Fuzail began
to recite Surah Yaaseen. But that unfortunate fell hitting the hand of his
teacher with his hand, said : I do not want you to recite Quran. The unlucky man was always attending masjid, madress and prayer meeting
sdand wa a believer of Quran but now he was saying : I do not want that
you should read Quran. Besides this he also did not utter the Kalimas of
Shahaadatains (Islamic words of testification of Truth) and died in the
same condition. Fuzail became very sorry and gloomy because of this
event and took the corner of his house. He stopped going out until once
he saw the soul of his unlucky student in his dream and asked him the
reason of the bad end of his life. He replied : there were three attributes
in me which caused me die faithlessly : first jealousy due to which I
could not tolerate to see anyone in a condition better than me, second :
backbiting and slandering, viz causing separation between two persons
and third: wine drinking.