Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is narrated from the holy prophet (S) in the Tafseer (Commentary of
the holy Quran)Named ‘Majmaul Bayaan’ that when Muaaz inquired
about the Quranic verses : “YAWMA YUNF AKHUS SOOR FA TAA
TOO NA AFWAAHAA” (Surah Nabaa, Verse : 19) meaning: when the
trumplet will be blown on the Day of Judgement people will arrive in
groups, the holy Prophet said : O Muaazi : You havae asked a vaery big
question. His eyes became wet and he said : On the Day of Judgement,
my Ummah (followers) will be distributed in ten groups. God will
surely separate those groups from all Muslims. He will transform their
shapes. Some will come in the shape of monkeys
and some pigs. One group will come with their hands and legs amputated, one will be blind, one deaf and dumb. One group will of people
will be crushing (chewing) theirown tongues themselves, pus coming
out of their mouths and all the field of Mahshar will become restless due
to their bad smell. A group of people will arrive upside down and they
will suffer punishment in the same condition. Some will he handing on
rods of fire and the foul smell emanating from one group will be worse
than that of a rotten corpse. They will be wearing the clothes of catraan
(tar) which will stick to their bodies. When asked who they will be; be
replied : The man who will come up like a monkey will be the nammaam or a backbiter who creates dispute between two persons by conveying the utterance of one to the other. The one coming with the face of
swine will be the one who eats unlawful things like the one who gave
(weighed) less while trading, who showed dishonesty in his dealings ,
who sold bad material after mixing with the good, who ate up the property of to others. The one who will arrive upside down (on his head) instead of fest) will have eaten usury or interest, the one who will be chewing his own tongue will the Aamil (religious scholar) who was biamal
(without deeds) and bus will ooze from his mouth. Every Aalim whose
deeds will be contrary to his words will admonish others very much but will be lagging behind in performing good deeds. Others will be benefited from his advices but that unfortunate one will remain biamal.That is why he will be chewing his tongue and will repent. The man
with his hands and feet cut will be the one who had harassed his neighbours. The blind will be of tyrant ruler, an unlawful ruler who would
have issued unjust orders. The one who arrive as deaf and dumb was an
egoist and proud fellow. Every proud person will rise deaf and dumb
hereafter and come so tot he field of Mahshar. The one who will be
fastened with fire chains and rods was going to worldly rulers to speak
against others and thus helping them in oppression. The one who will
smell worse than dead bodies was the one who enjoyed passions unlawfully and hwo did not give a part of his wealth a ordered by Allah and
the one who will be dressed in fire was a proud, self-praising and
naughty person.
In another hadith it is mentioned tht the holy prophet (S.A.) said: those
in whose eyes nails of fire will be pushed will be those who were watching the impermissible.
Advice of Amirul Mumineen (A)
Tot he One who Talks Nonsense
Sadooq (AR) has mentioned in his book ‘AQAAID” that once Amirul
Momineen (A), while passing by the road heard some you the talking
nonsense and watched them laughing. He told them: Do you blacken
your Naamajhee Aameel )(Work sheets) in this way? They inquired :O
Amirul Mumineen ! Such things are also being recorded ? He said : Yes,
even an inhaled breath is also noted Of course, if you remove a thorn
from the public path your eyes will brighten as you warded off trouble
from others. If you have picked up a fruit skin or a stone from public
path so that on one’s leg gets hurt, then such little good deed will also
never go in vain.