Imam Ali (a.s.) and the Jew Travel Companion

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is narrated th

It is narrated that Imam Ali (a.s.) was returning to Kufa from a journey;
when a person accompanied him on the way and during that journey the
Imam (a.s.) asked him about his name, address and faith etc. He said: I
am a resident of such and such locality near Kufa and I follow the Jewish
religion. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: I also reside in Kufa and I am a
Muslim. Both were traveling together. The Jew started talking and after
traveling for sometime they reached a junction from where one road led
to Kufa and another to the locality of that Jew. On reaching there Amirul
Momineen (a.s.), instead of proceeding to Kufa continued walking with
the Jew. Suddenly the Jew noticed this and asked: You are not going to
Kufa? Imam Ali (a.s.) replied: Why not? The Jew said: The road to Kufa
is different; did you miss it? Why? The Imam asked, I had noticed this at
that same place, but since you were my companion on a journey, I
wanted to fulfill the rights of traveling companions. So I walked a few
steps with you to bid farewell to you. The Jew was astounded and he
asked: Is it your personal belief or your religious duty? Is this kind of fulfillment of human rights related to your religion? He replied: Yes, it is
the command of my religion and school. The Jew fell into contemplation:
What religion is so concerned about human rights? The following day
that Jew came to Kufa and saw in a nearby Masjid that his travel companion was surrounded by a huge crowd and every person was extending respect and honor to him. The Jew asked someone who that man
was. He was told that he was the Caliph of Muslims and Amirul Momineen (a.s.). The Jew began to think: Is this person really the leader of
Muslims who was the previous day behaving with me with such humility and sincerity? All of a sudden that Jew fell at the feet of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and embraced Islam and became one of the special Shia followers of the Imam.

at Imam Ali (a.s.) was returning to Kufa from a journey;
when a person accompanied him on the way and during that journey the
Imam (a.s.) asked him about his name, address and faith etc. He said: I
am a resident of such and such locality near Kufa and I follow the Jewish
religion. Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said: I also reside in Kufa and I am a
Muslim. Both were traveling together. The Jew started talking and after
traveling for sometime they reached a junction from where one road led
to Kufa and another to the locality of that Jew. On reaching there Amirul
Momineen (a.s.), instead of proceeding to Kufa continued walking with
the Jew. Suddenly the Jew noticed this and asked: You are not going to
Kufa? Imam Ali (a.s.) replied: Why not? The Jew said: The road to Kufa
is different; did you miss it? Why? The Imam asked, I had noticed this at
that same place, but since you were my companion on a journey, I
wanted to fulfill the rights of traveling companions. So I walked a few
steps with you to bid farewell to you. The Jew was astounded and he
asked: Is it your personal belief or your religious duty? Is this kind of fulfillment of human rights related to your religion? He replied: Yes, it is
the command of my religion and school. The Jew fell into contemplation:
What religion is so concerned about human rights? The following day
that Jew came to Kufa and saw in a nearby Masjid that his travel companion was surrounded by a huge crowd and every person was extending respect and honor to him. The Jew asked someone who that man
was. He was told that he was the Caliph of Muslims and Amirul Momineen (a.s.). The Jew began to think: Is this person really the leader of
Muslims who was the previous day behaving with me with such humility and sincerity? All of a sudden that Jew fell at the feet of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) and embraced Islam and became one of the special Shia followers of the Imam.