Punishment in Barzakh for Non-Fulfillment of theRights of Others

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
It is mentioned in the book of Misbahul Harmain that in the last days
of his life, a respected personality named Shaykh Abdul Tahir Khorasani
travelled to Mecca and made a vow that as long as he was alive he
would remain there only and serve the holy house. During those days a
person had a bag full of gems, jewels and money and he was looking for
a reliable person who may hold it as a trust. People suggested the name
of Shaykh Abdul Tahir Khorasani and said that he was one of the most
reliable and honest personality in Mecca. Thus he placed his trust with
the Shaykh. After a period of time the Shaykh passed away. When the
person who had kept his bag as trust returned, he was informed that the
Shaykh was dead. When he approached the successors of the Shaykh,
they expressed ignorance about the matter. That man was devastated
and he was reduced to penury due to this. However he was aware of the
fact that the souls of believers arrive in Wadius Salaam and that they are
free and communicate with each other. So he prayed to the Almighty Allah to enable him to see the deceased so that he can ask him about his
money. After a long time, when he did not get any reply from the valley
he inquired from some scholar why it was so; that he was supplicating so
much but not getting any reply from the Shaykh. They told him that it
was possible that he might be in the place fixed for wrong doers. That is
he might be Wadi Barhut, which is in Yemen. Wadi Barhut is a dangerous valley having horrible wells and pits etc. It is often mentioned that
extremely terrifying voices are heard in that place, in other words just as
Wadius Salaam in the neighborhood of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) was a
place of peace and safety for noble souls, in the same way, Wadi Barhut
was a place of stay for wicked souls.[1]
In any case, that person set out for Wadi Barhut and became engrossed
in prayer, fasting and supplications till one day he saw Shaykh Abdul
Tahir. He asked: Are you, Abdul Tahir? Yes, replied the Shaykh. But are
you not the one who served the holy shrine in Mecca? Yes, said the
Shaykh. That person asked about his bag and why the Shaykh was in
such a bad condition. The Shaykh said: Your trust is buried in such and
such corner of the house. You did not come to collect it for such a long
time, so I could not return it to you before my death. Now you may go
there and direct my survivors to restore your trust.
[1] Maad, Ayatullah Dastghaib