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One day some people gathered at the meeting place of Imam Zainul
Aabideen (A). They said: We have come so that you may tell us some
hadis (word of advice).
The Imam (A) knew that they were hypocrites. One of them Zumrah
bin Birar had not even an iota of Faith and Godfearingness in his heart.
The Imam (A) pondered as to what should he do: If I keep mum they
will say that I am stingy in spreading knowledge and if I say something,
I am afraid, they may make a mockery of it. Yet he decided to say
something. He said: My grandfather (S) has said: When a man dies his
spirit (soul) remains over him (that is, when he is in the bathing place
over his body and when in a coffin over it) and addressing his near and
dear ones it says: O my family members ! Do not be deceived by this
material world like me. (O my sons! You saw that
your father got deceived and despite it he had to die and now he is
about to go into his pit of grave. This lust and greed for worldly wealth
gives no benefit. I collected much both by fair and foul means (halal as
well as haraam) and now I will have to account for it before Almighty
Allah, while others will benefit from it. So do not be greedy and keep
away from what is prohibited.
Hearing this, Zumra mocked and jokingly remarked : If that (soul) can
talk then it is better it steps down from the shoulders of its carriers and
runs away ! Hazrat Imam kept mum and Zumra went away.
After some days Aboo Hamza Shumaali came to Imam Sajjaad (A).
On his way to the place of the Imam, a friend informed him that Zumra
had died. He himself narrates: I thought, let me go and see what
happens. When I reached there he (Zumra) was being interned in the
grave. I said, I want to watch closely and so I entered his grave to put
his cheek on the dust. I swear by the ONLY ONE GOD, I saw that his
lips were moving and he was saying : ‘WAILUL LAK, WAILUL LUK’
(Woe unto you, woe unto you, O Zlumra! Did you now see that what the
Imam was saying hasd come trust Hearing this I could not stand there
any more and came and out of the grave put, reached the Imam (A) and
said: O Master ! the man who was making a mockery of your words that
day has died and I have heard him with my own ears saying:”Woe unto
you a unlucky fellow! Did you now see that what the Imam was telling
was true. Now you have to face the same.”