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This story is mentioned in Allamah Majllisi’s ‘Rayaat ul Qulooh’ etc. In
the past there lived a worshipper who remained mostly busy in his prayers in his monastry. Either at the instigation of some faithless people or
by herself a prostitute conspired to corrupt that worshipper and defame
him. One might she knocked at his door. When he opened the door he
saw a woman who said: I am a weak woman. Some loafers are following me. Please for God’s sake give me a shelter is your residence just for
this one night. Otherwise the vagabonds will cat me. Worshipper said:
Okay. So she entered his monastry. When a part of the night passed the
lady began to make suggestive gesture slowly with coyness. This is why
the Islamic Shariat has put a ban on a man meeting a woman (stranger
i.e. one with whom marriage is allowed) in loneliness where there in no
one else. So much strict is the commandment that a man and a woman
cannot even pray in such lonely place). In short, the poor worshipper
was caught in trouble. Self desires began to disturb him. He thought
what to do. His heart (soul) told him that the fire of passion is such that
nothing excepting fear and pain can put it down. A lamp was burning
In front of him. He put one of his fingers on its flame. When it gave
pain he pondered: what is this pain in comparison with the fire of Hell.
When you are unable to bear this pain how will you suffer hell-fire?
After some time passion rose again. He put another finger on the lamp
flame. Briefly speaking, by the dawning of the daytime he burned down
all of his ten fingers. When the woman saw this she opened the door
herself and went out.