Be sincere in your actions

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Shaykh Abd al-Adhim al-Bahrani narrates:

‘On the 12th day of Jamadi al-Thani, 1413, I was listening to a lecture on Imam Husayn (A) in the holy city of Mashad and the topic of the lecture was sincerity. The speaker recounted the following story:

‘“Once, a lot of scholars were present before the grand Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Burujerdi and each scholar was presenting his scholastic achievements and social contributions before him. Ayatullah Burujerdi noticed that all did so except one scholar who didn’t say anything. Ayatullah Burujerdi asked the scholar, ‘Why don’t you mention what you have done, like the others?’ This scholar stood and replied with great respect, saying, ‘O my master, I would like you to permit me to read just one narration from your grandfather, Ali, the Commander of the Faithful.’

‘“Ayatullah Burujerdi gave his permission and so the scholar narrated, ‘Ali (A) is reported to have said, “Be sincere in your actions. Surely the Watcher [Allah] is All-seeing, All-seeing!”1
As soon as the scholar finished speaking, Ayatullah Burujerdi appeared shocked and began to cry. Then addressing this scholar, Ayatullah Burujerdi said, ‘Thank you for reminding us of the matter of sincerity.’

‘“This incident affected Ayatullah Burujerdi so much so that on every occasion, be it with scholars and students or those around him, he would recount this narration.”’

The Ways Of The Righteous Vol. 1