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A person came to Ayatullah Sayyid Husayn Burujerdi and said, ‘I have seen a dream in which there were three books; all were Qur’anic scriptures. One was big, one was medium and one was small. All three were being burned; the first two were on fire in my dream whilst the small one was being set on fire and burned around the edges. What is the meaning of this dream?’

Ayatullah Burujerdi replied, ‘I cannot give you the meaning of this dream but if you go to [such and such] street, there is a scholar by the name of Ayatullah Sayyid Ahmad al-Qummi who is a great teacher and can explain this dream to you.’

So the person went to Ayatullah al-Qummi and related the dream and sought the explanation. Ayatullah al-Qummi replied, ‘In your house you have three daughters, represented in your dream by the three scriptures. Your eldest two, since joining a new school, have removed their hijab and so you saw these two Qur’ans engulfed in flames entirely. But your third and youngest daughter has also completed her junior school and is now going to a new school. She has also intended to remove her hijab and so this Qur’an has begun to catch fire and the edges are beginning to burn.

‘Is the situation with your daughters as I have detailed?’ asked Ayatullah al-Qummi. ‘Yes it is just as you said,’ replied the man.

The Ways Of The Righteous Vol. 1