I would forgive whoever seeks repentance from Me except the killers of Husain

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Allamah Majlisi (a.r.) has narrated a tradition in Biharul Anwar, Vol. 44, Pg. 308, that a person from Bani Israel saw Prophet Musa (a.s.) going somewhere hurriedly. He was pale, trembling and had feeble eyes.
The person understood that he is going for supplication. The person asked, “O prophet of Allah!
I have committed a great sin. Please pray for my forgiveness to Allah.” Thus, when
Prophet Musa (a.s.) prayed for his forgiveness and said, “O Lord! You know what I am
going to say that so and so servant has committed a sin and he seeks forgiveness from
You.” Allah replied, “I would forgive whoever seeks repentance from Me except the
killers of Husain…”