Imam Sadiq (a.s.) mourns for Husain (a.s.)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Muhaddith Qummi writes that Abu Haroon Makfuf who was almost
blind and hence given the title of ‘Makfuf’ was an extempore poet and
he recited elegies of Imam Husain (a.s.). He used to say: “One day, I came
to Imam Ja‘far Sadiq (a.s.). He asked me to recite the latest elegy I had
composed about his great grandfather. I said: As you wish. Imam Ja‘far
Sadiq (a.s.) asked the ladies of his house to gather behind a curtain so that
they may also listen to the elegy. Eventually, all women gathered behind
the curtain.”
Makfuf started reciting the elegy. You may also try to understand the
meaning of those verses and take lesson from them.
Even though it comprised of only five verses, everyone in the house
of Imam Ja‘far Sadiq (a.s.) was wailing aloud. The Imam was himself
crying in such a way that pearls of tears were falling from his eyes and his
shoulders were shaking. The sounds of weeping and wailing became so
loud in his holy house that finally the Imam said that it was enough.
I could not find an elegy equivalent to this one. Abu Haroon Makfuf had
O current of the morning breeze!
When you pass by Kerbala, convey the message and salutation of
us, the lovers, and tell the sanctified bones of his pure body that
they would be continuously watered by the tears of the mourners
of Husain. They would continue to shed tears in order to quench
your thirst. One day, you were denied water and Master Husain was
martyred thirsty. However, now his Shias will always sacrifice tears
on him.
O morning breeze!
When you pass by the grave of Husain, do not say only this much.
Do wait there for sometime and cry much upon his sufferings. Your
weeping should not be like an ordinary person. Cry like a mother
whose only son has died. Yes, cry like a distressed mother separated
from her only son for Imam Husain (a.s.) who was pure and his
mother and father were also pure.

Nafthat al-Masdur, Pg. 254; Aghani, Vol. 7, Pg. 260; Muntahaiul Amaal, Vol. 1,
Pg. 541