Martyrdom in the View of Imam Ali (a.s.)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The last Ramadan of the life of Imam Ali (a.s.) had restlessness in it as was
apparent from the behavior of the Imam. This month was different from
all the months of Ramadan of previous years. It was clearly felt by the
family members of Imam (a.s.). Nonetheless I would like to mention the
differentiating feature, which is also narrated in Nahjul Balagha. Imam
Ali (a.s.) said: When Allah, the Glorified sent down the verse:

Alif Laam Meem. What! Do people imagine that they will be let off
on (their) saying: “We believe!’’ and they will not be tried? sure ankaboot

I came to know that the disturbance would not befall us as long as the
Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him and his progeny) is
among us. So I said, ‘‘O Prophet of Allah, what is this mischief, about
which Allah, the Sublime, has informed you?” And he replied, “O Ali, my
Ummah will soon undergo trials after me.”
When Ali (a.s.) heard that after the passing away of the Prophet they
would have to undergo tribulations, he remembered something from
the past and he asked: “O Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.). on the day of
Uhud did you not tell me that those Muslims who were supposed to be
martyred have obtained the status of martyrdom?
On that day seventy Muslims were martyred among whom the chief of
the martyrs, His Eminence, Hamza was the most important.
While martyrdom evaded me, which was very annoying to me,3 and I
asked you: Why have I been denied this honor?”