My Master! You did not even wait until sunrise to reply to my request

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Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Kadhim al-Qazwini narrates: ‘One of the maraji’ [plural of marja’] of Karbala gave me permission to pay shahriyah11 to the students of the hawzah. The first pay day was a Friday but I didn’t have the money to give to the students. What was required was about 1000 dinars – which was a lot in those days. I asked myself if there was anyone from whom I could borrow the money and later pay back. However, I didn’t find anyone who would lend me the money without a guarantor to secure the loan.

‘I wrote an aridhah12 to Imam al-Mahdi (AJ) stating, ‘If the story of Ayatullah Sayyid Mahdi Bahr al-Ulum in Makkah13 is true and correct, then send this amount to me.’ I then threw the aridhah into the shrine of Imam Husayn (A).

‘Before sunrise, a businessman from Baghdad visited me at my house. We ate breakfast together and then he turned to me and gave me 1000 dinars exactly! Shocked and overjoyed, I immediately addressed the Imam and said, “My Master! You did not even wait until sunrise to reply to my request!”

‘This is how the Imam of the time responds to those who sincerely submit to his authority.’

The Ways Of The Righteous Vol. 1