Reading Time: 3 minutes

The late Shaykh Muhammad Sharif Razi in his book Karamat Saliheen narrates:

A reliable and trustworthy person narrated that a person asked the late Allama Amini Rizwan, may God bless him and grant him peace: Have you had the honor of visiting Imam Asr Arwahna Fidah?

Answered: To  have the honour of visiting Hazrat while recognizing him, but it did not happen, but there is an incident that is worth listening to.

After that he said: I had a friend in Baghdad who was a non-Shia and very bigoted and extremist. I cleaned the dust of his  misguidance and prejudice from his own book of the right of  Master of the Universe Ameerul Momineen (peace be upon him).

I used to present some things related to Wilayat and he used to listen.

The night of Eid-ul-Zahra, i.e. the night of the 9th of Rabi 1, is the night of love of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them)

I always used to organize a celebration in my house for the sake of showing love and the rights of all Muhammad towards the usurpers and oppressors. In which those who had knowledge and love for the family of Muhammad (peace be upon them) used to participate. Out of friendship that Baghdadi friend also participated, but he kept his face in a corner from the beginning to the end , Sat in a state of displeasure and listened to everyone’s words.

After some time, one day that friend came and invited him to his house. I also accepted the invitation as another opportunity for guidance. And it was decided to go to his house in Baghdad on a holiday.  as per the scheduled program I left for Baghdad

At the beginning of a street where I was to proceed according to the address, one Jalil-ul-Qadr Sayyid came before me and after the usual salutations and introductions.

Said: Do you want to go to such and such person’s house?

I said: Yes and thought that maybe he was sent to guide me

He said: Let me guide you. Reached home with them After knocking, the owner of the house opened the door and entered the house with a very enthusiastic welcome

Indicated to go upstairs. The door of the upper room was locked but the key stuck in the door, it seemed that the voice of some people could be heard from inside the room

The room was full of guests. Indicated me to sit in another room and He brought tea immediately. Among the words, this phrase came out of his mouth: As soon as Sheikh Abdul Hussain (Allama Amini) uttered this phrase  I want to settle the first account of  your Ghadiri and 9th rabbiul awwal  discussion and conversation tonight, As soon as that Sayyid who was believed to be from the side master of the House and the owner was thinking that he had come with me and were among my friends. He immediately got up from his place and addressing him said: What did you say? You are threatening me. After saying this, he strangled him in such a way that at the same time He died

After that he said to me: Give me your shawl, took the shawl and tied his hands and feet very well and threw it gently from the window opening towards the Tigris river and said: Leave here quickly, this is not your place to stay. . And while going out, he locked the key of the room in which a large number of people were sitting. Both of us quickly came down the stairs and left the house. When we left the street and came to the road, someone gave me a sign

He said: Are you Sheikh Abdul Hussain?

I said: Yes! And when he looked back, he was not to be seen.

The man said: Come and ride.

I saw a small boat ready, I boarded it and crossed the river Tigris to reach the other side of the river.

I asked him how do you know me and How did you arrive on time?

He said: This is what I do every day and the passengers on this boat from the river Tigris fromome end to the other , after eating i slept last night, after a part of the night passed, I got the honor of seeing Imam Kazim (peace be upon him) in a dream. Telling me: Get up! And according to this address go to one of my lovers whose name is Abdul-Hussein, make him cross the Tigris River to the other side and make him reach Baghdad from Kazmain as he is in danger at this time. I just did what Maula ordered me.

Karaamatus Saaleheen 291