Queries of Khizr (a)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad Ibne Muhammad Barqi from Abu Hashim Dawud Ibne Qasim Ja’fari from Abu Ja’far Thani, who has said:

“Once Amirul Momineen Ali (a) came with Hasan and Husain and he was holding the hand of Salman for support. He entered the sacred Masjid in Mecca and sat down. Then a good looking and well dressed man came. He offered the greeting of peace to Amirul Momineen Ali (a) who answered his greetings likewise and he sat down.

He then said, “I will ask you three questions. If you answer them I will acknowledge that the people who have acted against you in the matters of leadership after the Holy Prophet (s) have acted against their own selves. Their actions have taken away peace from them in this world as well in the next life. If it would be otherwise, (you can answer) then you and those people will be the same.”

Amirul Momineen Ali (a) said, “Ask whatever you like.” He said, “Tell me about the man who sleeps. Where does his spirit go?” Tell me about the man, how he remembers and forgets? Tell me about the man how his children resemble the aunts and uncles?”

Amirul Momineen Ali (a) turned to Hasan and said, “O Abu Muhammad, answer him.” The narrator has said that Hasan answered his questions. The man then said, “I testify that there is no lord besides Allah and I continue to testify to this fact. I testify that Muhammad is Messenger of Allah and I continue to testify to this fact; I testify that you are the executor of the will of the Messenger of Allah and that you are the in charge of this task (Imamate) with His authorization.”

He pointed to Amirul Momineen (a) and then said, “I continue to testify to this fact. I testify that you are the executor of his (Ali’s) will and in charge of this task (Imamate) by His authorization after him (Ali).” He pointed to Hasan (a).

Then He said, “I continue to testify to this fact.” “I testify that Husain Ibne Ali (a) will be the executor of the will of his brother and in charge of this task (Imamate) with His authorization after him. “I testify in support of Ali Ibne Husain (a) that he will be in charge of the task of Husain after him.

“I testify that Muhammad Ibne Ali will be the in charge of the task of Ali Ibne Husain (a) after him. “I testify that Ja’far Ibne Muhammad (a) will be in charge of the task of Muhammad Ibne Ali (a).

“I testify that Musa will be in charge of the task of Ja’far Ibne Muhammad after him. “I testify that Ali Ibne Musa will be in charge of the task of Musa Ibne Ja’far (a).“I testify that Muhammad Ibne Ali (a) will be in charge ofthe task of Ali Ibne Musa (a) after him.

“I testify that Ali Ibne Muhammad will be in charge of the task of Muhammad Ibne Ali (a) after him.  “I testify that Hasan Ibne Ali (a) will be in charge of thetask of Ali Ibne Muhammad (a) after him.

“I testify in support of a man from the children of Hasan who will not be mentioned by his agnomen (father or son of so and so) or his name until he will rise with Divine authority to fill the earth with justice after being filled with injustice. “I offer you my greeting of peace, O Amirul Momineen (a) and pray to Allah to grant you blessings and holiness.”

He then stood up and left. Amirul Momineen (a) said, “O Abu Muhammad follow him and see where went.”

Hasan Ibne Ali (a) went out to find out (and came back) and said, “As soon as he stepped out of the Masjid I could not figure out in which direction of the earth of Allah did he disappear.” So he returned to Amirul Momineen (a) and informed him.

He said, “O Abu Muhammad, do you know him?” I said, Allah, the Messenger of Allah and Amirul Momineen (a) know best.”

He said, “He was Khizr (a)”1

1 Selections from Dalailul Imamah, Al-Kafi and Tafsir Qummi.