Hazrat Fatemah (sa) Grief for the Holy Prophet (sawa)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hazrat Fatimah always tied a handkerchief upon her head as a sign of mourning for her father and day-by-day, she became more weak. Her tears constantly flowerd due to his separation and her heart burned (in his remembrance). She would remain conscious for an hour and then fall unconscious another hour and would always tell her sons Hasan and Husayn, “What happened to your father (meaning the Prophet) who cherished you so much? The one who sat you upon his back and was most affectionate towards you, where is he? What happened to your father who did not allow you to even place your feet upon the earth (but rather always lifted you up with affection)? He will never ever open the door of the house again to lift you two up and carry you in the way that he used to lift the both of you up.”

She always remained grief-stricken, just as her father had informed her (she would) and she often remembered that the revelation had stopped coming into her house, and would also recall the separation of her father. At night, she no longer heard the sweet voice of the Prophet reciting the Qur’an which she used to hear until midnight. Not hearing this (and only the sound of the deafening silence), she would become frightful. She (now) found herself to be full of sorrow, whereas during the days of the Prophet she lived with happiness and honour.

She came to her father’s grave and recited the following verses: “What will happen to the one who smells the sweet fragrance of the grave of Ahmad, then he would never smell any other fragrance of the world; such sorrows flowed upon me that if, it had descended upon the days they would have turned into nights (due to extreme sorrow).”

She would also say: “When someone dies, his remembrance lessens day by day, but by Allah the remembrance of my father increases everyday; I remember that death has made a separation between us, I console myself upon Prophet Muhammad; then I say to myself that death is our path; and if one does not die today, then he will die tomorrow.”

She would also say: “When I desire to see you I come to your grave, I weep and I complain, but you do not answer me; O the one occupying the grave! You have taught me weeping and your remembrance has parted away all other sorrows; and although you are concealed under the earth; you are not concealed from my grievous heart.”

When the Commander of the Faithful ‘Ali gave the ceremonial bath to the body of the Prophet, he was wearing a shirt. Fatimah told him, “Give me the shirt of the Prophet.” When she smelled the shirt, she fell down unconscious and when Imam ‘Ali saw this, he hid the shirt from her.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul AhzanShaikh Abbas Al – Qummi