A companion of the Prophet (pbuh) was once standing in
between a group of women talking to them. The Prophet
(pbuh) passed by, saw him and remarked on the fact that he
was amidst a group of women. He made an excuse saying
that he had lost his camel and was asking the women if they
had seen it.
After that he met the Prophet (pbuh) a couple of times and on
both occasions the Prophet (pbuh) asked whether he had
found his camel. Shaking his head he would hastily walk away.
He even stopped coming to pray in the masjid for he was
trying to avoid the Prophet (pbuh) for fear of being asked
again of the ‘lost’ non existing camel.
One day he came to the masjid and prayed in a corner wishing
to leave before the Prophet (pbuh) saw him. However, the
Prophet (pbuh) came up to him and sat down near him. He
tried to lengthen his salaat in the hope that the Prophet (pbuh)
would go away but to no avail.
As he finished salaat the Prophet (pbuh) greeted him. Before the Prophet
(pbuh) could say anything he confessed that there was no lost camel and it was just an excuse. The Prophet (pbuh) told him that Allah had forgiven
him for he had done tawba and sincerely regretted his actions.
Excellent Stories Vol 1